Call out for research participants

Embodied filmmaking research: Being in motion – Being in relation

4th and 5th of November – 2023 Middlesex University (North London, Hendon) + an online meeting on Friday 3 till 430pm.

#camerawitnessing #embodiedfilmmaking #somaticfilmaking

Dominique Rivoal is inviting filmmakers and somatic practitioners to participate in an embodied filmmaking workshop as part of her doctoral research in which she is developing a somatic approach to filming.

In this two-day workshop, Dominique will share her working methods exploring the mediated encounter between a camera operator and a somatic mover with the intention to enter in dialogue and receive feedback from the participants.

Participants will be invited to work in pairs and practice a form of introspective filming process as way to correspond with the somatic mover’s own inward attentiveness to self and their relationships.

This research employs the concept of correspondence from anthropologist Tim Ingold to allow the filmmaker to engage in their own perceptual activity in parallel with the somatic mover to go beyond the mere representational aspect of the film medium and using the camera as an extension of embodied experience.

The workshop will introduce somatic strategies of self-awareness such as dual attending, movement tracking and tuning into sensation to practice relating, while sustaining the inner tension of being still, until being moved by something called for by the enfolding event between the mover, context, and the camera-witness.

The camera will be shared within the dyad, creating a parity of exchange between the two roles and encouraging both filming and being filmed.

Dominique Rivoal is a filmmaker and Authentic Movement practitioner researching the potential of filmmaking as a somatic process. As an introduction into this work, please watch this video essay published in an eco-somatic context:

The workshop will take place Middlesex University in Hendon on 4-5 November 2023 – with a prior online meeting on the Friday 3 till 430pm.

Parts of the lab take place outdoor (weather permitting). If you are interested in taking part, please write a short text stating your interest to with a short bio. Also bring your own camera or phone.

This workshop may also be of interest for performers, ethnographers, documentary makers, film researchers, and eco-somatic practitioners who are interested to work at the intersection between film research and somatic movement practices.

If you are interested to take part in this workshop – please send a short biography to